Here are listed the papers in which members of the group participated, such as dissertations, theses and research papers.
Master’s dissertations
1. Guilherme Mizziara. Protein extraction from tissue fixed in formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin for proteomics analysis. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Beatriz Nogueira de Messias Miranda. Cloning, expression and purification of Homo sapiens alpha receptors of folate for bioanalytical applications in cancer. 2014. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Juliane Cristina Borba. Bioanalytical studies of Psidium guajava produced in intensive management system. 2010. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Juliana Vieira Alberice. Inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris by saponins and detection by reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). 2009. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Sheila Barreto Guterres. Study of Sapindus saponaria fruits extracts enriched in saponins and other glycosides and their application in capillary electrophoresis. 2006. 90 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Marcelo Delmar Cantu. Validation and application of new analytical methods for the analysis of tricyclic antidepressants in plasma and pharmaceutical formulations samples. 2004. 120 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

11. José Orlando Santos. Evaluation of algebraic method, using Arrhenius Equation, for the determination of solid pharmaceutical formula expiration date, uncoated tablets of Metildopa. 2002. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Rosecler P Machado. Analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography. 2001. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

13. Marcelo Toledo. Analysis of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Nitro-PAHs) in water by capillary liquid chromatography (microLC). 2001. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Jonatan Ricardo Catai. Chemometric optimization of DNA separation in polymeric solution by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence for genetic analysis. 2001. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

15. Ana Paula Formenton Catai. Analysis of DNA adducts of polycyclic aromatic compounds by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. 2001. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Célia Sulzbacher Caruso. Analysis of double-stranded DNA by capillary electrophoresis coupled to a detector with diode array. 2001. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

17. Nilson A Assunção. Study and development of a coupled system of flow injection analysis (FIA) and capillary electrophoresis (CE) – FIA-CE. 2000. 0 f. Dissertation (Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry São Carlos) – University of São Paulo, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Doctoral theses
Flavia Aline Bressani Donatoni. Prospection of SNP by capillary electrophoresis related to resistance to gastrointestinal infection by nematodes in goats. 2012. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Karina Fraige. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE METABOLIC AND PROTEOMIC PROFILE OF Vitis vinifera DURING THE MATURATION PROCESS USING BIOANALYTICAL TOOLS. 2012. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Sheila Barreto Guterres. Search of biomarkes for schizophrenia in platelets using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and mass spectrometry. 2011. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

8. Thiago Pinotti Segato. Advances in the fabrication process of analytical microdevices and their coupling with contactless conductometric detection. 2011. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Co-Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Wendell Karlos Tomazelli Coltro. Contactless conductometric detection: a new tool for the monitoring of biomolecular interactions in analytical microsystems. 2008. 0 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

14. Rosilene Aparecida Prestes. Evaluation of the biochemical alterations in plants diagnosed with citrus sudden death. 2008. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Co-Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Célia Sulzbacher Caruso. Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of recombinant proteins of Xylella fastidiosa. 2007. 0 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Maribel Elizabeth Funes Huacca. Bioanalytics of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris – Detection in citric fruits, microbiologic isolation and phylogenetic classification by biomolecular techniques and electrophoresis in microchips. 2007. 0 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

19. Nilson A Assunção. Development of bioanalytical instrumentation and methodologies applied to proteomic analysis. 2005. 0 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Ana Valéria Colnaghi Simionato. Instrumental analytical studies of secondary metabolites produced by endophytic and phytopatogens bacteria in citrus. Estudos analíticos instrumentais de metabólitos secundários produzidos por bactérias endofíticas e fitopatógenas de citros. 2005. 220 f. Thesis (Doctorate in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)) – University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.

Post. doc – supervision
1. Regiane de Fátima Travensolo. 2014. Insitute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Emanuel Carrilho.
2. Regiane de Fátima Travensolo. Analysis and expression of proteins associated to pathogenicity of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. 2007. University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Emanuel Carrilho.
3. Karina Omuro Lupetti. Development of FIA-CE system with covered capillaries for bioanalytical and biotechnological applications. 2007. University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Emanuel Carrilho.
4. Carlos Antonio Neves. Development of a high voltage and potentiostat hybrid system for amperometric detection in capillary electrophoresis microfluidics devices. 2006. University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Emanuel Carrilho.
5. Carlos Eduardo Saraiva Mirando. 2003. University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Emanuel Carrilho.
6. Inês Noriko Tomita. 2002. University of São Paulo, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Emanuel Carrilho.
Research monographs
1. Juliana Oliveira Martins. OPTIMIZATION OF URINE SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR PROTEIN ANALYSIS IN PATIENTS WITH BLADDER CANCER. 2014. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
2. Julia Pereira Postigo. Deparaffinization and Proteomics Analysis of Cancerous Colorectal Tissue. 2013. Monography. (Specialization in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
3. Juliana Vieira Alberice. Isolation and phylogenetic classification of alicyclobacillus spp and acidic fruits by RAPD-PCR techniques and electrophoretic methods of analysis. 2006. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
4. Patrícia de Fátima Menegoci Eugênio. Capillary evaluation for DNA separation by capillary electrophoresis with diluted polymeric solutions. 2005. 40 f. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
5. Leandro Ap Grange Deziderio. Amino acids analysis by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence. 2005. 45 f. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
6. Thiago Deperon Lanças. Ultrafast gas chromatography: optimization of the experimental parameters. 2005. 48 f. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – University of São Paulo. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
7. Varli J Dorighello. CAFFEINE EXTRACTION BY SFE AND OFF-LINE QUANTIFICATION BY STANDARD ADDITION METHOD. 1991. 0 f. Undergraduate thesis. (Chemistry Degree) – University of São Paulo. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
Undergraduate researches
1. Renê de Souza Pinto. Development of multiplataform software in a system of capillary electrophoresis. 2008. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
2. Juliane Cristina Borba. New nanostructured matrices for DNA separation. 2008. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
3. Luis Henrique Fernandes. Project and construction of a miniaturized high voltage source with digital interface. 2007. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
4. Tatiana Veroneze. Analysis of phytohormones by CE-UV. 2006. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
5. Luis Guilherme Paulino. Development of internal coating of capillary for CE. 2005. 0 f. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemical Production Engineering) – Federal University of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
6. Juliana Vieira Albarice. Detection and molecular classification of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in acidic juices by RAPD-PCR techniques and electrophoretic methods of analysis. 2004. 0 f. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – University of São Paulo, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
7. Luis Henrique Fernandes. Control of voltage applied to analytical micro-systems for computational and instrumental electronic electrophoresis. 2004. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.
8. Felipe de Souza Guedes Bahia. Development of devices and methodologies applied to analytical micro-systems for electrophoresis. 2004. Undergraduate research. (Majoring in Chemistry) – Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Advisor: Emanuel Carrilho.